Saturday 8 September 2012


Hey :) We got another indoor activity to be shared. This activity named KLCC Twin Tower. In this activity, we need to make a KLCC Twin Tower type using newspapers. The winner are based on the highest and strongest tower can be. This activity tests us on how creative we are to make a tower which is tall and strong using newspapers. We were allowed to use only newspapers and sellotape however in the last minute, Miss Putri allows us to use anything to make sure the tower can stand strong and solid. So, we use a bottle to make it solid and strong.

The end result of this activity :

  • We managed to build the highest tower among the groups in our class
  • However there are another group which is their tower is stronger than us.

These are pictures of our activity that day :



  • Innovation is the creation of better or more effective products,processes, services, technologies or ideas that are readily available to market.

  • Basically it is not just the invention of a new idea that is important, but it is actually "bringing it to market"

Why innovation is important?

  • It is important to all businesses because innovation can make them more innovative.

  • Innovation also will make the world a better place for the younger generation.

Here are some pictures from Junior Master Chef :

Friday 7 September 2012


Hey we meet again :) Today we are going to share our new activity. This time it is an indoor activity named Rocket Balloon. We need to use our own creativity to make the balloon can move in its direction.

The things that we need are :

  • Balloon
  • Plastic rope
  • A vise
  • Sellotape

Our end result :

  • We managed to move the balloon from bottom to top.
  • However, we didn't managed to make sure the balloon move back to bottom in one try.

Here's are some pictures we captured from this activity :

Wednesday 5 September 2012


Okay today we gonna share with you our next activity. Another outdoor activity named Photo Hunter. Photo Hunter is a game where we need to find the things that listed in the instruction list given by our lecturer, Miss Putri. For example, UiTM logo, Malaysia Flag, and others. We were given around 30-60 minutes to find all this things and take a photo with that things.

The good about this activity :

1. Teach us patience.

2. Cooperation among group members.

3. Use creative and critical thinking on how quick we can find all this things

Here are some pictures on our activity :

Tuesday 4 September 2012


Can people learn or be taught to be more creative? Creativity is valued in many areas of human activity, including scientific discovery, technological invention, artistic imagination, and social innovation. I know of no studies that show that creativity is teachable, but history provides some interesting suggestions about the habits of highly creative scientists.

In an article called "How to be a Successful Scientist", I compiled a set of suggestions about what contributed to the great success of leading scientific researchers. (The article can be found on theWeb, and is reprinted in my book Hot Thought.) My sources were a group of psychologists, philosophers and historians at a conference on scientific thinking, as well as writings by three important scientists: Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Peter Medawar, and James Watson. Here is the resulting list, organized into 6 categories.

1. Make new connections.

Broaden yourself to more than one field.

Read widely.

Use analogies to link things together.

Work on different projects at the same time.

Use visual as well as verbal representations.

Don't work on what everyone else is doing.

Use multiple methods.

Seek novel mechanisms.

Find new ways of making problems soluble, e.g. by new techniques.

2. Expect the unexpected.

Take anomalies seriously.

Learn from failures.

Recover from failures.

Avoid excessive attachment to your own ideas.

Be willing to recognize and admit mistakes.

3. Be persistent.

Focus on key problems.

Be systematic and keep records.

Confirm early, disconfirm late.

Concentrate tenaciously on a subject.

4. Get excited.

Pursue projects that are fun.

Play with ideas and things.

Ask interesting questions.

Take risks.

Have a devotion for truth and a passion for reputation.

Have an inclination toward originality and a taste for research.

Have a desire for the gratification of discovery.

Have a strong desire to comprehend.

Never do anything that bores you.

5. Be sociable.

Find smart collaborators.

Organize good teams.

Study how others are successful.

Listen to people with experience.

Foster different cognitive styles.

Communicate your work to others.

Marry for psychological compatibility.

Tell close colleagues everything you know.

Communicate research results effectively.

Learn from winners.

Have people to fall back on when you get into trouble.

6. Use the world.

Find rich environments.

Build instruments.

Seek inspiration in nature.

Have good laboratory facilities and use them.

Observe and reflect intensely.

Perform experiments that rigorously test hypotheses.

Although this list was derived from reflection on scientific practice, almost all the suggestions are potentially relevant to enhancing creativity in other domains, including technology, the arts, and improving social institutions. Try them out!